A pdf version of my CV is available here. The projects and publication(s) can be found in the navigation bar at the top.


The University of Hong Kong
BEng (undeclared major), 2021.09-2022.06
BEng (ComSc), 2022.06-

University of Toronto St George Campus
Exchange student at Faculty of Art & Science, 2024.01 - 04


Research assistant

HKU AIoT Lab | 2023.06 - present
Supervisor: Prof. Chenshu Wu
Work as research assistant in the lab, and my research topics include acoustic sensing and UWB radar sensing.

Research intern

The Hu Lab | 2024.06 - 09
Supervisor: Prof. Pingzhao Hu
Apply machine learning techniques in interdisciplinary research projects.

Student teaching assistant

Department of Computer Science, HKU | 2022.09 - 11
Worked as a student teaching assistant for the course ENGG1330, conducted tutorials on a weekly basis, responded to students’ questions.


2021.09 - presentHKU Foundation entrance scholarship
2021.09 - 2022.06Dean’s Award, Faculty of Engineering, HKU
2024.02Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Award Candidate (Western University, Canada)
2024.03Exchange Scholarship (jointly-funded by Reaching Out Award and HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarships)