About me

Welcome to my personal website! I’m Yu Yuemin, an undergraduate student at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong.


The University of Hong Kong
BEng (undeclared major), 2021.09-2022.06
BEng (ComSc), 2022.06-

University of Toronto St George Campus
Exchange student at Faculty of Art & Science, 2024.01 - 04


Student teaching assistant

Department of Computer Science, HKU | 2022.09 - 11
Worked as a student teaching assistant for the course ENGG1330, conducted tutorials on a weekly basis, responded to students’ questions.

Research assistant

HKU AIoT Lab | 2023.06 -
Work as research assistant in the lab, and my research topics include acoustic sensing and UWB radar sensing.


  1. 2021.09, HKU Foundation entrance scholarship
  2. 2021.11, Dean’s Award, Faculty of Engineering, HKU
  3. 2022.08, HKU Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Talents (Renewal)
  4. 2022.10, Member, Team INVENEER, finalist, AWS Educate Business Innovation Competition 2022, AWS HK
  5. 2022.12, Dean’s Award, Faculty of Engineering, HKU
  6. 2023.08, HKU Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Talents (Renewal)


I studied at Shanghai Lansheng Fudan Middle School, a top school in Shanghai, from 2014 to 2018.